Showing 19 of 19 results for your query "Social Enterprise"

  • (Deleted User) Call for participants from GERMANY for the training on Social Entrepreneurship Education!Together with our partners from Armenia, Moldova, Poland and Ukraine, we are organizing the training "Lab for Development and Testing of Social Entrepreneurship Education Tools" for social and business trainers, educators, youth workers, social entrepreneurs, who would like to improve their portfolio of tools and methods as well as help spread the concept of Social Entrepreneurship through their work. We are looking for 5 participants from Germany in order to test and develop the tools on Social Entrepreneurship Education. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 12.10.2019 To register and get more info, please follow the link: Working language: English Dates and place: 1-10.11.2019, Chisinau, Moldova *Travel costs, accommodation and food within 2-9 November will be covered by the project budget. At the end of the training we will have a range of methods/tools formulated and documented and ready to use in trainings for start-ups, social enterprises and businesses that want to improve their corporate social responsibility schemes.
  • André Dörfler Genossenschaften neu entdecken und gründenGenossenschaften tragen zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele der UN bei - den Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Das und vieles mehr kannst Du erfahren bei "Genossenschaften neu entdecken und gründen" am 16.12.2020 von 16:00-17:30 Uhr. Sei digital dabei! Weitere Infos und Anmeldung findest Du hier Referent*innen: André Dörfler ist Innovationsmanager bei der genossenschaftlichen R+V und Initiator des MakerCamp Genossenschaften, Daniela Watzke ist Gründungsberaterin beim Genossenschaftsverband - Verband der Regionen e.V., Dr. Christian Ege ist Unternehmensberater und Gründer und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der "Generation U eG". Veranstalter: MakerCamp Genossenschaften
  • SEEd Schule
  • Iris Group - Managing Diversity
  • Society for Innovative Business Support (SIBS)
  • Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia
  • Food Urbanism
  • Karali
  • Creative Twinning
  • Roof-top Info Analysis of the current situation in Khorugh by local citizen published on Pamir Daily NewsOn December 20, 2021, Pamir Daily News published an [analysis of the situation in Khorugh]( submitted by a local citizen (in Russian). The author contextualizes the recent events and emphasizes it was the fourth time since 2012 that actions by security forces which were planned badly and implemented unprofessionally led to civic unrest. He/she reflects on the people's loss of trust in state representatives who have failed to provide the required support and protection (with the remarkable exception of former GBAO Governor Fayzov). As far as the consequences of periodic actions by security forces and subsequent civic unrest are concerned, the author draws attention to social consequences like emigration and brain drain. He/She criticizes the internet disconnection and subsequent information blockade as a form of collective punishment which upset even supporters of the authorities. It has negatively impacted the functioning of public services, education, banks, enterprises and international aid organizations, paralyzed daily life in the region and harmed the local population not only materially but also morally.
  • Mennonite Central Committee
  • Helmut Wolman We are looking for Partners for a Map for Russia of Tomorrow*A Summer-Hackathon and a Networking-Process in Russia, Belarus and Germany 2021* Where are the places of active civil society, transformation and social enterprises in Russia? What if there was a map for them to participate in? Our goal is to provide a common map platform (such as the and for civil society actors in Russia through which local initiatives can be mapped by volunteers. This should lead to better findability of sustainable organisations, promotes direct exchange and a sense of community at the local level, stabilises support structures and makes the socio-ecological transformation visible. Main activity could be a **Hackathon and Mapathon** with Russian and German Developers in the Summer 2021, where we meet for one week to develop and fill this map as an intercultural collaboration. **We are looking for partnerorganizations which are experienced eather in setting up open source tools or in networking of civil society** (or both). ## #Join this Project if you are intrested: Call for Collaboration: * English: * German: ![](
  • Helmut Wolman Looking for Russian Partner OrganizationWhere are the places of active civil society, transformation and social enterprises in Russia? What if there was a map to make all of them visible and show a strong movement for a resilient future? Our goal is to provide a common map platform (such as the and for civil society actors in Russia through which local initiatives can be mapped by volunteers. This should lead to better findability of sustainable organisations, promotes direct exchange and a sense of community at the local level, stabilises support structures and makes the socio-ecological transformation visible. **We are looking for partnerorganizations which are experience eather in setting up open source tools or in networking of civil society** (or both). ![]( Main activity could be a **Hackathon and Mapathon** with Russian and German Developers in the Summer 2021, where we meet for one week to develop and fill this map as an intercultural collaboration. Please write us, if you are intrested to participate! Call for Collaboration: * English: * German:
  • zz-Map for Russia of Tomorrow (old)